Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Dancing at Luhnasa Context revision

Here is a presentation about rural Ireland in the 1930s

and one about Paganism

Sunday, 26 April 2015

The Death of Aunt Alice

Thank you to Olivia for this one.

Death of Aunt Alice

At Caerleon

Thank you to Teresa

At Ogmore By Sea This August Evening

Thanks to Chelsea

At The Concert by Dannie Abse

Thank you to whoever sent me this one!

Sons by Dannie Abse

Thanks to Grace

Terrible Angels by Dannie Abse

Thank you to Sarah

Uncle Isidore by Dannie Abse

Thanks to Sophie for this one 

Friday, 24 April 2015

Saturday, 7 March 2015

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Larkin and The Movement

This short BBC documentary, helps to put Larkin in the context of The Movement and explains his poetry was a new voice and diction for the 20th Century.

It's part of a series and if you are interested, watch all 4:

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Welcome New Bloggers!

Welcome to the new generation of bloggers recording their thoughts and reactions to Larkin's poems. I hope you will read each others' posts and comment on them if you find them useful or have anything you want to add.  You might even want to offer alternative opinions and interpretations on theirs.  After all this is exaclty what AO3(ii) is all about - being aware of other readers' interpretations!
First - here is the link to the 1960s programme about Larkin "Down Cemetery Road" which you have doodled about...

Next is a documentary made more recently about Larkin which offers a contemporary perspective on Larkin after his death...

and finally, here are some videos of Larkin reading his own poems.  You might want to add these to your own posts:

An Arundel Tomb:


For Sydney Bechet

The Whitsun Weddings